Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pop! Goes This Weasel

By: Jenny

All around the mulberry bush,

The monkey chased the weasel;
The monkey thought ‘twas all in fun,
Pop! goes the weasel.

Monday, August 13, 2012. Write it down. This is the day that my pregnancy moved from whimsy to reality. After 17 weeks of knowing I was pregnant according to science (three at-home tests, two appointments with a mid-wife, one ultrasound, and 144 heart beats per minute), I finally knew I was pregnant according to common sense… I had popped.

Looking in the mirror while getting ready for work, I turned to the side to get my profile view. Up until this point, I thought I looked bloated — like a little bubble of indigestion was poking through my belly. (Indeed, this was probably true. I’ve never in my life had the kind of indigestion a tiny little baby can cause, but more on that later.) This morning though, it was different. My rounded belly was so… pregnant-like! I’m not sure why I was shocked (see list of scientific evidence above), but I was floored. My head was spinning.

The night before I had said a prayer for my baby, as I have done every night since June 4, the day of my first plus sign. This prayer asked God to give me a sign that everything was okay with our baby. I had started to feel, well, good again. No more exhaustion, still no morning sickness, normal appetite, no weird aversions. I was a bit worried that the past few months had been a mistake. What if there was no baby in there?

Well, the good Lord heard me, that’s for sure. Not only did I POP the very next day, but I also threw up on my way out the door and arrived at the office with a full-blown migraine.

Pop went my weezel!

So now that I finally feel like a pregnant lady, I’ve decided to start this blog with my best friend in the world, Autumn, who is also expecting her first child in 2013. Autumn’s just a few weeks behind me, so her POP day is just around the corner. It’s the perfect time for us to start writing about the reality of our journey. I hope you’ll come along with us…